canvas Font fingerprint 相关Chrome插件扩展crx下载推荐

  • Tamil Font Pack

    This extension allows the user to see the unicode fonts in Tamil even if their system does not suppo...
  • Marathi Font Pack

    This extension allows the user to see the unicode fonts in Marathi even if their system does not sup...
  • Telugu Font Pack

    This extension allows the user to see the unicode fonts in Telugu even if their system does not supp...
  • Hindi Font Pack

    This extension allows the user to see the unicode fonts in Hindi even if their system does not suppo...
  • Kannada Font Pack

    This extension allows the user to see the unicode fonts in Kannada even if their system does not sup...
  • Georgian Uppercase Font Fixer

    Fixes uppercase font problems on Georgian websites that came with Chrome 69 Unicode 11 update. This...
  • Canvas - View/Edit Google Images

    View, edit, download high resolution google images and more!Download and View images quickly on Goog...
  • Re-Font

    Re-Font lets you change the font, size and color of any text on any webpage. Use it to meet your sty...
  • Canvas PDF Window

    Open files from canvas in their own window.This is a simple Chrome extension that will open PDFs and...
  • FingerprintAlert

    Detect and block browser fingerprinting attempts by websites!FingerprintAlert is a free open-source...
  • CyDec Platform Anti-Fingerprinting

    Stop trackers from accurately fingerprinting your system through obfuscation and deception.This exte...
  • AudioContext Fingerprint Defender

    Defending against AudioContext fingerprinting by reporting a fake value.AudioContext Fingerprint Def...
  • Canvas Fingerprint Defender

    Defending against canvas fingerprinting by reporting a fake value.Canvas Fingerprint Defender is a l...
  • Malayalam Font

    Malayalam fonts for the entire web.Malayalam fonts for the entire web. This addon will help you to...
  • Fontiran Font Changer

    Improve font style for Persian users with premium fonts on fontiran.comبا این افزونه می‌توانید فونت...
