font-weight 相关Chrome插件扩展crx下载推荐

  • ZXXeverywhere NSA Proof Font Tool

    This extension adds the NSA proof ZXX font to pages to protects from mass surveillence by countering...
  • Twitch Bigger Font

    Changes the twitch font to 16px (~115% bigger than default)Makes the font bigger, will help if you f...
  • Twitter Font Fix

    Makes the font size same for all tweets on the new Twitter profile pages.Pure CSS. Normalizes font...
  • Better Social: Get Facebook Alerts & Fonts

    Receive your Facebook notifications instantly in your browser, beautify your Facebook posts, play wi...
  • Fontify for Google Chat™

    Fontify text messages in Google Chat™Fontify for Google Chat™ uses a sophisticated machine-learning...
  • Ayar Font Tool

    This extension helps users read any Myanmar text written in various encoding (Ayar, Myanmar3 & Z...
  • iconfont to datauri

    iconfont to datauri用于将iconfont网站上的项目字体转为内嵌样式可用的datauri编码
  • Iconfont Tool

    Iconfont的项目管理插件为 网站开发的一个插件,用来扩展已有功能。 1.4.3: 适配网页...
  • Twitter Font

    Trebuchet MS & Tahoma...افزونه فالو کردن گروهی تویتر ارسال توییت از طریق آدرس بار به سادگی تبدی...
  • PageFontStyle

    This extension changes the font style in a specific page.
  • Fontty

    Mark all fonts in this page in colorsThis extension mark all fonts of one page in different colors f...
  • Fontcycler

    Preview fonts on current page(Early Beta Version, for early QA) Font Cycler lets you preview fonts o...
  • Ad Creative Weight

    This extension helps "weigh" ad creative within DFP. It's only intended to be used in...
  • Revert GitHub Font

    Restores the size and font used on GitHub before it was changed on 2016-07-12.Reverts the size and f...
  • TabFonts

    Tab fonts allows with one simple click, to see all fonts and styles on the current page you're v...
