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GitHub Issue Creator
Create GitHub issues with your original template.If you create GitHub issues with tired boilerplate... -
PullRequest Suppressor for GitHub
Suppress PullRequest to other repositorySuppress PullRequest to upstream repository If you are deve... -
GitHub Pull Requests Beautifier
Makes the list of pull requests much more usefull.Makes the list of pull requests much more usefull.... -
Github image preview
Preview images in folders on github -
Githubのコードビューワの幅を調整可能とする拡張ですGitHubのコードビューアの幅を調整できる拡張です。こ... -
GitHub Open All Notifications
This extension adds a button to the notifications pages that when clicked will open every unread not... -
GitHub Diff Filter
Filter out diffs by filename on GitHubGitHub Diff Filter for Chrome Allows user to filter out certa... -
Github Projects Schedule
Github Projectsのカードに期日によって色付けGithub projectsでスケジュール管理っぽいことをするためのも... -
GitHub colorify
Add different colors to the GitHub timeline rows depending on the projectAdd colors to the rows on y... -
Github Pro
Make Github more fun!Github Pro is a collection of features that aims to simplify your Github experi... -
Github Wiki Categorizer
This feature allows the user to add pseudo-categories linked with Github's wiki right into Githu... -
This extension shows a random github zen text on new tabs.This Chrome extension will show a random t... -
Github Tasker
Show all task from comments in fixed Taskbar window on bottom of pageShow all tasks placed in issue... -
Github Punchcard
Make Github Punchcard great again!The punchcard graph shows how a repository is developed in develop... -
petit decoration chrome extension on github.https://github.com/nyangry/petit_deco_github
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