c|api Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于6年前 阅读数 63

扩展ID: aamdnlapnnpamhmmeempedacenheckle

Use Any Web Resource in your ClassroomWhat is Classroom API?
Classroom API is a Chrome browser extension that makes it easy for you to use any web page as customizable and trackable resources in your classroom.

How do I get started?
Using a Chrome browser, Sign up for Classroom API.
- Add the Classroom API extension to your Chrome browser.
- Surf the Internet and when you find a web page you want to share with your class, simply click the c|a extension button and then click the share button.

How does it work?
Classroom API is a browser extension that is installed to both teacher and student browsers. The one-time installation is just a few clicks and requires minimum IT work. For any web page you share with a class, when a student views a page the completion time is tracked in realtime and captured in an easy to read report.

Is it secure?
We take security and privacy seriously. All user data is encrypted in both transit and at rest. For teachers, we only store email addresses and for students, they can access to the system with a nondescript access code.

What age groups is it ideal for?
If you use web content in your class, then Classroom API will work for your age group.

How about user privacy?
Like security, we take user privacy seriously, too. We don't have and will not have to share user information with any 3rd parties. One assurance of this is that our business model does not depend on it.

How about security stance of my own content?
Classroom API has a unique stand in terms of content security even though it is a cloud-based solution. First of all, we don't store any content that you are sharing in our systems. The only information we have is the title and the link of the content you are sharing. In that respect, if you have any content that you want to keep in your private network, you can do it with Classroom API.

Does it work with any website?
Yes. Classroom API does not import any content or modify it in anyway. Students experience the pages as it is. This opens the possibility of using any web content in the classroom without worrying about any compatibility issues. If you can see a content in your browser, you can use it with Classroom API, too.

Can I use the content stored in our LMS?
Of course. As long as it is accessible by your students, you can share any web content with your students including the content available in your existing LMS, Intranet, Blogs, Wiki's and such.

Can you integrate with our SIS?
Yes. One of the goals of Classroom API is for teachers to be able to reuse their existing tools. Please reach us at [email protected] and we would love to answer your specific questions.

What other features does Classroom API provide?
Beside collecting stats, you and your students can do the following:
- Commenting on Pages

We are currently working hard to improve/implement the following features:
- Quizzes per Page
- Assignments per Page
- Common Core Tags
- Dropbox Integration
- Google Drive Integration
- Support for Other Browsers

Why Classroom API?
Digital content has become huge in the classroom but there has been no easy way to use web content in day-to-day curriculum. Classroom API is a tool that allows teachers to make lessons from any web content and to track their students' progress. It's simple, secure, and fun. And, we <3 teachers!

How can I reach you if I have questions?
You can reach us at [email protected] e-mail address. And if you like, we would love to have a video chat to learn about each other more.
名称 c|api
插件标识 aamdnlapnnpamhmmeempedacenheckle
平台 Chrome
评分 5
评分人数 6


作者 Cagdas Tulek
版本号 1.7.0
大小 830 KB
官网下载次数 129
更新时间 2015-11-09 00:00:00
