PowerDeck Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于6年前 阅读数 8

扩展ID: amgjkbdcoabinnlpjglbkbemlamimkak

PowerDeck allows you to automatically deck tweets at regular time intervals.PowerDeck allows you to automatically deck tweets at regular time intervals. 

**** How it works:
PowerDeck will use your likes as a scheduler. Once PowerDeck is activated, each favorited tweet will be decked across all accounts at regular time intervals. After decking the tweet is unliked. 

**** Instructions:
1) Log in to tweetdeck
2) Make sure your likes column is open
3) Specify: 
     -how many tweets per iteration you want to deck
     -the time interval between decks in minutes
     -the number of iterations you'd like to run
4) Press start. To see how many iterations are remaining, close the popup and reopen it. 

*If you refresh or close the tab, execution of the program will end. 

*To check how many iterations are remaining, click outside the popup to close the popup, then reopen it. The number remaining will not change while popup is open.

**** Updates
1.1.8 - Fixed permissions, didn't need 'tab' after all. Fixed state bugs. 
1.1.7 - Changed permissions to reflect that only tweetdeck.twitter.com can be read and modified.
1.1.6 - Cut down file size.
1.1.5 - Fixed error message bugs, fixed stop button bug
1.1.4 - Added error messages.
1.1.3 - Execution begins with older tweets instead of the most recent tweets.
名称 PowerDeck
插件标识 amgjkbdcoabinnlpjglbkbemlamimkak
平台 Chrome
评分 0
评分人数 2

作者 dereksawicki
版本号 1.1.9
大小 39.58 KB
官网下载次数 1
分类 查看更多 生产效率 分类下的扩展插件
更新时间 2019-03-05 00:00:00

