Songminds Translator Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

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扩展ID: aobhelpiakpeglaacbliinlbpephfabp

Translate Songmeanings from into any Translator: Unlock the Meaning of Songs in Your Language

Dive deeper into the lyrics and meanings of your favorite songs with Songminds Translator. This extension seamlessly integrates with, allowing you to translate song meanings and analyses into your preferred language with just a click.

Key Features:
- One-Click Translation: Easily translate song meanings directly on pages.
- Multiple Language Support: Choose from a wide range of languages for translation.
- User-Friendly Interface: A simple, non-intrusive button appears near the content you want to translate.
- Overlay Display: Translated content appears in a clean overlay, preserving the original page layout.
- Customizable: Set your preferred language once and translate with ease every time.

How It Works:
1. Visit any song page on
2. Scroll to the "Meaning" section
3. Click the "Translate" button that appears above the content
4. Read the translated meaning in your chosen language

Perfect for music lovers, language learners, and anyone curious about the deeper meanings behind their favorite songs. Songminds Translator breaks down language barriers, helping you appreciate music on a whole new level.

Note: This extension works exclusively on and requires an internet connection for translation services.

Expand your musical horizons and understand songs like never before with Songminds Translator!
名称 Songminds Translator
插件标识 aobhelpiakpeglaacbliinlbpephfabp
平台 Chrome
评分 4.7
评分人数 361

版本号 1.0
大小 116 B
官网下载次数 2
更新时间 2024-06-27 00:00:00