Metro Start Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于6年前 阅读数 99

扩展ID: bbhdfpmfdplolnnkpdepnelcfdmikjfd

A new tab page for Google Chrome inspired by ZuneA new tab page for the modern web, inspired by Zune.

This project is hosted on Github:

Google Plus:

Version 11.0.1!
Minor bug fix!

Version 11.0!
No longer requires apps, sessions and bookmarks permissions by default!
Show/hide tabs with new sleek new buttons!

Version 10.9!
Major bug fix!

Version 10.8.1!
Minor bug fix!

Version 10.8!
New MetroStart Servers!

Version 10.7!
Goodbye Yahoo! Weather :(
Performance and reliability improvements.

Version 10.6!
New Fonts! Tighten Up! SCSS!
This new version features more fonts and improved performance and reliability.

Version 10.5!
So many changes, I had to skip a version number!

Integrated the awesome project, Trianglify, for more background customization options!
Moved theme editor functionality into its own custom modal!
Created a brand new modal dialog system!
Many, many (oh god why were there so many) bugs fixed!

This update has been a long time coming so apologies for any bugs or issues encountered. 
I'll try to get some bug fix releases out as warranted.

Version 10.3!
Using a new algorithm for the random colors.
Fixed a bug that prevented saving themes.

Version 10.2!
New: Randomize! Press the randomize button to randomly select different themes.
New: Random theme: Select this theme to choose a different color every time the page opens. (Be sure to save if you want to keep it!)
Improved: Minified and compressed for speed.

Version 10.0!
Metro start has been rewritten from the ground to make it smaller, faster and more stable!
It also comes with additional new and improved features:
New: View your open sessions from all your other devices.
Improved: The links page has been converted to a todo page.
Other: Removed AngularJS, in favor of a Metro Pages, a custom tool.

Version 5.7!
New: Shows your selected bookmarks!
New: Faster by not requesting external fonts!
Fixed: Reset theme button!

Version 5.6!
Bug Fixes.

Version 5.5!
Bug fixes.

Version 5.4!
Bug fixes.

Version 5.3!
Bug fixes. 

Version 5!
Rewritten from the ground up!
New: Rename your saved links!
New: Sort your links, apps, bookmarks and themes!
# Please report any bugs you find so I can get them ironed out quickly!

Version 4.2.2!
Fixed: Fixed missing scrollbar!

Version 4.2.1!
Fixed: Reduced network usage!
Fixed: Leftover options bug!

Version 4.2!
Fixed: Re-added support for changing fonts!

Version 4.1!
Fixed: No longer requires access to all web data, now only requests access for pages needed.

Version 4.0!
New: Theme gallery!
New: Uses Helvetica on Mac, Segoe UI on Windows and Arial on Linux!
New: Can uninstall Apps (Thanks for pointing that out David Bailey!)
Fixed: International weather support (Thanks, Michael Hart of Awesome New Tab Page!)
Fixed: Stability and fluidity enhancements!

Version 3.9!
New: Fixed scrollbar issues!

Older Versions!
New: Change your fonts! Two choices! Regular or Segoe/Helvetica!
New: Bookmarks! New bookmarks section! (Requires new permissions though...)
New: Supports hiding the weather widget! Workaround while I try to get international support.
New: Background for the color picker makes it easer to set colors!
New: Changed the fancy new slider for choosing applications!
New: Fancy new slider for choosing installed applications!
New: Added a fahrenheit/celsius toggle!
New: Shows high and low temperatures!
New: Now shows your installed chrome apps!
New: Switch between saved links and installed apps!
New: Introduction for new users.
New: Moved colors option.
New: Added reset colors button.
New: Custom colors.
Fixed: "http://" requirement bug.
Fixed: Color toggle problem.
名称 Metro Start
插件标识 bbhdfpmfdplolnnkpdepnelcfdmikjfd
平台 Chrome
评分 0
评分人数 46

作者 chustar
版本号 11.0.1
大小 473 KB
官网下载次数 362
分类 查看更多 生产效率 分类下的扩展插件
更新时间 2020-07-30 00:00:00