MyGlue Chrome Extension Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

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扩展ID: bfcdaalpeodhimbiipneeaoeogkkminc

With MyGlue Chrome Extension, you can now quickly and securely access all of your MyGlue passwords right from within Chrome.For all MyGlue and Chrome users, we are excited to offer the MyGlue Chrome Extension. Now, all of the passwords and other assets you’ve stored in MyGlue can be viewed and accessed quickly and securely within Chrome. This means no more switching pages and no more copy/paste of usernames and passwords to sign in to websites and services. 

Once added to Chrome, you’ll see the MyGlue logo in the top-right corner of your browser. The extension will detect the website you're visiting, and will display the passwords for that website. Clicking the password you want to use will fill the username and password fields. This is going to save you a lot of time. No longer will you need to switch back and forth between MyGlue and whatever you're working on - you won’t even have to look up the password at all. You will also be able to create passwords directly from within the Chrome Extension. 

Search and Asset Preview
With the MyGlue Chrome Extension, you’ll have quick search functionality from any web page. Simply hit ‘Q’ to bring up the search bar. Enter your search query, and when you scroll through the list of returned assets, a preview of each will appear. You’ll be able to use this preview pane to access information, such as the username and URL of a Password, without leaving the web page you were on. 

Shared Session
The MyGlue Chrome Extension and Web App have shared session capabilities, so if you are logged into one, you are automatically logged into the other. Once you’ve signed into MyGlue’s web app, you’ll be able to use the Chrome Extension to access information in MyGlue, no matter what web page you’re on. 

MyGlue is SOC 2 compliant, and that peace of mind extends to our Chrome Extension as well. Furthermore, the Chrome Extension prevents shoulder surfers from seeing confidential passwords, since you won’t need to copy and paste passwords - you can copy without revealing the password, just as in the MyGlue web app.

Reduce time waste, and strengthen security with the MyGlue Chrome Extension.

For more information about how the Chrome Extension works, please refer to the MyGlue Knowledge Base.
名称 MyGlue Chrome Extension
插件标识 bfcdaalpeodhimbiipneeaoeogkkminc
平台 Chrome
评分 0
评分人数 7

作者 IT Glue
大小 2.96 MB
官网下载次数 5000
分类 查看更多 生产效率 分类下的扩展插件
更新时间 2020-07-31 00:00:00
