Running Redmine Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于6年前 阅读数 44

扩展ID: bfegcalbohnfdcgnacofccdjkakjallk

Keyboard shortcuts for using Redmine fasterThis extension adds keyboard shortcuts to Redmine apps for quicker navigation and issue management.

Quickly get to any ticket by typing '/' then the ticket number then 'Enter'.

Press control+space to see a list of projects, then type the number next to the project name to go to that project.

Here is a complete list of shortcuts (when two letters are in order, type them one after the other):

Global Navigation

These shortcuts should work anywhere on your Redmine site:

- Go Home: g h
- Go to My Page: g m
- Go to Projects: g p
- Go to People: g e
- Go to Admin: g a
- Go to Official Redmine Guide: g /
- Go to Issues: g i
- Create new Project: n p
- Search: /
- Quick jump to Project: control+Space, then type the number next to the project you want

Project Navigation

These shortcuts work when you're in a project, when the URL is `~/projects/whatever/` or `~/issues/1234`:

- Create new issue in current project: n i
- Go to current project home: p h
- Go to current project activity: p a
- Go to current project issues: p i
- Go to current project news: p n
- Go to current project wiki: p w
- Go to current project settings: p s

Issue Actions

These shortcuts work on a page like `~/issues/1234`

- Edit current issue: e
- Watch current issue: w
- Copy current issue to : c
- Delete current issue: d

When creating or editing an issue:
- Create/Save issue you're editing: CMD+Enter
- Create issue and Continue (making another new issue): CMD+Shift+Enter


These shortcuts work in the description field of issues, or when editing the wiki.

- Bold: command+b
- Underline: command+u
- Italics: command+i
- External link: command+k
- Inline Code: command+shift+2 (command+@)
- Pre block: command+shift+p
名称 Running Redmine
插件标识 bfegcalbohnfdcgnacofccdjkakjallk
平台 Chrome
评分 0
评分人数 0

作者 Paul Molluzzo
版本号 1.3.0
大小 24.89 KB
官网下载次数 13
分类 查看更多 生产效率 分类下的扩展插件
更新时间 2016-06-06 00:00:00
