Bookmark Navigator Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于6年前 阅读数 14

扩展ID: bfibpphfhdpgkmbpkfmhdiklgcfmmkha

A vertical stacking, search enabled, arrow keys/mouse click navigable, simple interface for navigating Chrome bookmarks.This app is for navigating through all your bookmarks efficiently! This was developed (and is maintained) on spare-time so I'll get to bug fixes as soon as I'm free. Just drop a note in the support tab here in the webstore.

- Open using shortcuts: CMD + B (Mac) or CTRL + B (PC)
- Vertical-stacking simple UI for browsing
- Search bar with fuzzy search enabled via Fuse.js
- Arrow keys and cursor navigation
- Clickable breadcrumbs
- True bookmark count on folders
- Icon support using chrome://favicon

- No proper icon (Priority 1)
- Developed on free-time

Feel free to leave reviews and comments. I would love to hear some proper criticism and extra feature ideas - as well as any other extensions you think would be cool to make!

If you like it enough, feel free to DONATE to my paypal!

Yours truly,

Known Bugs:
- None yet

-- v 1.14 --
### Added
- All bookmark directories included
- Implemented fusejs for fuzzy searching
- Searches only pertain to current and nested folders

### Fixed
- PCs can autofocus

--- v 1.13 ---
### Fixed
- row overflow issue

--- v 1.12 ---
### Note
- removed global option
* if the hotkey doesn't work, see posted video or instructions below to add or choose your own hotkey
Go to "chrome://extensions"
Click on the menu icon in the top left corner
Click the "keyboard shortcuts" option
Find the "Bookmark Navigator" extension and add desired hotkey (or reenter if having issues)

--- v 1.11 testing ---
### Added
- global option for hot key testing

--- v 1.1 ---
### Added
- hotkey CMD + B (Mac) & CTRL + B (PC)
- separate body key input vs input key input (left and right arrows should work differently in search vs navigating)
- If in input, pressing enter selects first option in search results

--- v1.0 ---
### Added
- search bar
- arrow keys and cursor and click navigation
- clickable breadcrumbs
- bookmark count on folders
- bookmark icons
名称 Bookmark Navigator
插件标识 bfibpphfhdpgkmbpkfmhdiklgcfmmkha
平台 Chrome
评分 0
评分人数 8

作者 Neil Spackman
版本号 1.15.1
大小 16.64 KB
官网下载次数 133
分类 查看更多 生产效率 分类下的扩展插件
更新时间 2018-09-05 00:00:00
