oscraper Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于6年前 阅读数 13

扩展ID: bhoedkafpknpijecolafolipaidgjcoo

Scrape Your Organic Search Engine Results**** New 2019 version ******** 
Oscraper Super Fast and Powerful Google Serp Scraper - This is by far the most Powerful and Safest PPV Url scraper around. It gathers urls by scraping both organic and * paid search results of Google ( Mac + Windows )- Completely safe ! - no proxy server is nedded i

** Features.
( Features Marked with an asterisk (*)  are active on the full version ) 

> Extract super targeted Url from Google results ( Organic & Paid )
to a text  file and easily uploaded them to your PPV campaigns
( Traffic Vance , Lead Impact . Media Traffic etc. )

> You can scrape up to 10 pages deep !

> Target your PPV campaigns more precisely

> Boost your ads CTR up to 6X with targeted Url list

> Get PENNY clicks from PPV Ads Higher CTR = cheaper clicks

> High conversions with super targeted visitors

> No installation is required , Just Drag and drop the software into
  your Google Chrome extensions page

> compatible with all the PPV networks like : Traffic Vance
Lead Impact . Media Traffic , Direct CPV and more...

> Cross Platform Operating System - Based on Google chrome
extension ( Mac & Win 7/8 )

> Super fast and powerful scraping technology

> Internal Quick Access to US / CA / UK / AU / BR / FR /IT /DE / ES /SE
Google Geo results much accurate then using a dedicated country proxy !

> Automatically name a file based on your query ... ( time saver )

> *You can exclude list of domains and/or specific strings ( for example Youtube , wikipedia )

> *Can Truncate URLs to root / with or without extensions or
http and/ or www

> *Extract and save  a list of all urls indexed by google for
any  website

> Completely safe ! - no proxy server is needed !

> Easy for use + Step-by-Step Video Tutorials

> The most reliable and safe scraper in the market !!!

> 30 Days Money Back Guarantee

> Fast & Friendly Support :-)

> Multi license - You can install it on up to 3 computers of yours
名称 oscraper
插件标识 bhoedkafpknpijecolafolipaidgjcoo
平台 Chrome
评分 0
评分人数 11


作者 yos2000
版本号 0.5.0
大小 64.02 KB
官网下载次数 2000
分类 查看更多 搜索工具 分类下的扩展插件
更新时间 2018-10-14 00:00:00


