Get Kelvin Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于5年前 阅读数 67

扩展ID: bmlnicpnoiknignhcbieplgkeaoapmcj

Browse, rate, save. Simple.👋 Join our grassroots collective of creators and explorers! Rate, review, share, and discuss your corner of the internet. Use our browser extension to add new sites and grow Get Kelvin's searchable library of online destinations, or just browse the thousands of sites our community has already added. Be ready to stumble across something awesome!

Once you’ve installed our extension, simply visit a website you’d like to rate, save, or review and click the extension button to get started.















✔︎ Step 1: Visit a website

Give the website a rating using our handy slider bar. This instantly adds the site to Get Kelvin's growing library of online destinations, if it’s not already there.

✔︎ Step 2: Leave a comment

Whether it's a criticism, witticism, or full-fledged review, your opinions are what make Get Kelvin great. Let the community know what you think.

✔︎ Step 3: Build a Collection

Ready to organize the websites you love? Add any site to one of your existing Collections or create a brand-new Collection to file it away—right from the extension. It's like bookmarking, only better.

✨ Bonus Tips: Join the dialogue 

Sites already added to Get Kelvin have dedicated discussion threads. Click the extension button when visiting one of these sites to see its average rating and find out what other people are saying about it. Have something to add? Give it your own rating and join the discussion!

Browse, rate, save. Simple.















About Get Kelvin and our community:

∙ We don’t show ads or sell our users’ data. 
∙ We are a fully remote company with 7 team members working all over the globe
∙ Currently, 729 members have discovered 2814 websites, left 3085 comments, and created 170 Collections.
∙ We are passionate about transparent feedback - if you’re a member, you can give us feedback and upvote other people’s feedback at

名称 Get Kelvin
插件标识 bmlnicpnoiknignhcbieplgkeaoapmcj
平台 Chrome
评分 0
评分人数 3

作者 admin
版本号 0.0.32
大小 380 KB
官网下载次数 52
分类 查看更多 交流沟通 分类下的扩展插件
更新时间 2019-12-27 00:00:00
