Adolf Trump Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于6年前 阅读数 7

扩展ID: bommcknjiefnbechbnbkkheachijjjjl

A delightful Trump parody extension. Transform real Donald Trump stories into hate-filled Nazi propaganda with surprising ease.FEATURES:

* Automatically detects Donald Trump’s presence in news stories using an advanced hair-recognition algorithm
* Just 4 simple replacements will satirize the story in a way you will nazi coming:
    - "Donald Trump" --> "Adolf Trump"
    - “America”--> “Germany"
    - “President” --> “Chancellor"
    - "Muslims/Mexicans/Immigrants" --> “Jews"
 * To make it clear when you are viewing the enhanced, satirical version of a story, the Adolf Trump logo will gloriously appear in your toolbar when any content has been modified.


* Use this extensions to answer that nagging question in the back of your mind:  “would Trump’s statements be seen by all as blatantly racist if they were in a slightly different historical context?"
* Surprise and delight your anti-trump friends by confirming how they already feel about him!
* Secretly install on the computers of your pro-Trump friends, then watch as they fail to see the satire in all of this and become increasingly hostile towards you. (On second thought, maybe don’t do this).


The Adolf Trump Chrome Extension is strictly for the purposes of parody, satire and humor. All effects of the extension should be treated as such. None of the views expressed on this page or through the effects of the extension should be confused with the actual views of the authors, advertisers, the hosting company, or any service providers. Everything on this site and all changes to content made by the extension are intended to spoof, parody and satirize. We make no claims as to the accuracy of our satire. Adolf Trump uses the names of public figures for purposes of satire only. The content should in no way be construed as factual. It is a work of fiction and all content on this site are for the purposes of satiric criticism and comment. The content of this Chrome Extension—graphics, text and other elements—is © Copyright 2016 by Exclusive copyright in all the artwork on this website vests with the authors of the artwork. Our content may not be sold, reproduced, or distributed without our written permission. Any third-party trademarks, service marks and logos found on this website are the property of their respective owners.
名称 Adolf Trump
插件标识 bommcknjiefnbechbnbkkheachijjjjl
平台 Chrome
评分 0
评分人数 5

作者 adolfjtrump
版本号 0.9
大小 38.96 KB
官网下载次数 195
分类 查看更多 娱乐 分类下的扩展插件
更新时间 2016-02-26 00:00:00

