ZipTabs Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于6年前 阅读数 13

扩展ID: ccnanbffbfbcgfmmkgejodommhidpjba

Archive tabs in a zip file1 - Features
- save multiple opened pages into a zip file containing single HTML files with all resources included (images, stylesheets, frames...)
- open a zip file containing archives into tabs

Demo here:

2 - Instructions
- to archive all current pages, click on "Zip..." button in the popup,
- enter the zip filename into the prompt popup and press OK
- progress bars and browser action badge will show you the progression
- the zip file will be automatically "downloaded" (it does not come from the network)
- to archive only some tabs, uncheck the tabs you do not want to save
- to import a zip file, click on "Choose File" link and select a zip file (containing HTML pages) to import

3 - Notes
- this extension needs "SingleFile Core" to be already installed (follow install instructions)
- the first time you use the extension, you must refresh opened tabs you want to save if "SingleFile Core" was not already installed
- zip files are saved in chrome download folder
- the download location cannot be changed
- import can only work with zip files containing single HTML files at the root folder of the zip

Please report suggestions here :)
名称 ZipTabs
插件标识 ccnanbffbfbcgfmmkgejodommhidpjba
平台 Chrome
评分 3.06
评分人数 50


作者 gildas
版本号 0.1.7
大小 82.74 KB
官网下载次数 5426
更新时间 2012-11-02 00:00:00


