Truth or Dare Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于6年前 阅读数 83

扩展ID: cfmkchdmmlhnpnnjihinpgalfnbhgdke

A simple family friendly gameTruth! or Dare! Comment with truths and dares or other features that you guys want to see! I'm updating this pretty often so check back for new truths/dares and other features.

- Spanish version is in :)
- Working on a whole new premium version, look out for it!

New Features 1/30/2015:
- Added more questions
- Now displays how many total questions there are
- Deciding whether to work on Spanish version or changeable backgrounds

--- NEW ---
Created an 18+ version here:
I made it a paid extension for two reasons,
     1. I didn't want children to be able to access it so easily
     2. I'm a broke college student :( help me 
--- --- ---

New Features 1/18/2015:
- Added more questions
- Google analytics are in, I can see how many people are new and how many are returning users
- Thinking about making a Spanish version

New Features 1/10/2015:
- Added more questions
- Working on creating user settings like background color and fonts 
- Working on google analytics so I can see how often questions run out

Old features:
- Has a "coming soon:" section
- Made it easier to read IMO
- No repeats until you click out of the extension window
- Says how many truths and dares there are
     X Removed: Looked too messy
- Able to restart if you run out of truths or dares
名称 Truth or Dare
插件标识 cfmkchdmmlhnpnnjihinpgalfnbhgdke
平台 Chrome
评分 0
评分人数 36

作者 zjulia
版本号 3.1
大小 1001 KB
官网下载次数 1000
分类 查看更多 娱乐 分类下的扩展插件
更新时间 2015-06-11 00:00:00

