Extras SavingsKey Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于6年前 阅读数 78

扩展ID: cgeookpmpkdkmeimipbnkapmofcmjckp

Helps you to earn cashback when shopping online with your favorite stores.Helps you to earn Cash Back when shopping online at your favorite stores.
The SavingsKey™ Toolbar is a tool you can use when you shop online, it reminds you that you can earn cash back on purchases at your favorite stores!

Simply install the SavingsKey Toolbar and it will then appear at the top of your browser window when you are shopping at participating retailers. Your purchases will earn Cash Back just as if you were shopping through your membership website.

The SavingsKey Toolbar shows you how much you can earn, featured merchant offers and allows you to add the store to your list of favorites

When the SavingsKey Toolbar pops up on a retailer site, simply click on 'Click here to activate...' and the toolbar will then change to display a green confirmation message. You can track your Cash Back at any time on your account page at www.usemyextras.com!

Read the SavingsKey End User License agreement:
The SavingsKey Toolbar is also available for other major browsers. Visit:

Developed by Incentive Networks. Visit us at www.incentivenetworks.com
名称 Extras SavingsKey
插件标识 cgeookpmpkdkmeimipbnkapmofcmjckp
平台 Chrome
评分 0
评分人数 0


作者 Incentive Networks
大小 142 KB
官网下载次数 1
分类 查看更多 购物 分类下的扩展插件
更新时间 2019-06-24 00:00:00
