YOUZEEK Music Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于6年前 阅读数 61

扩展ID: cghjphbbdlofanjpfidhbalfmekjpcco

Discover new music and listen for free anywhere.Try YOUZEEK Music it's free and always will be.

- Unlimited music streaming of the largest music catalog

- Create Playlists and browse your friend's music collection
Chat and Share music with friends

- Discover more than 1,000,000 Artists and 30 millions songs

- Truly FREE, without any limitation or interruption

- Search into YouTube & SoundCloud

- Import your own MP3 files from DropBox or SkyDrive

- Make Unified playlists with your songs from all sources (Youtube, SoundCloud, MP3, ...)

Music Streaming for FREE & Forever

You can also import or upload your own MP3 files from your computer or DropBox or SkyDrive.

To upload/import your music to YOUZEEK, just clic on the "Cloud Folder" button in the left menu bar. Then on "import files to Youzeek" or "upload files to Cloud".

Select the appropriate option (Dropbox or SkyDrive), you will be asked to identify yourself if you are not already connected to it. 

All you need to do now, is just select the files you want to import into YOUZEEK.


- Import your existing playlists from Spotify, Deezer, SoundCloud & YouTube

- Desktop Notifications: you can enable or disable this option in the settings

- New design : V3, a whole new design :)

- MusicRooms : Share & discover songs about a music genre

- You can now login with Google+, twitter, facebook or create a youzeek account.

- YOUZEEK Remote Control: You can now control YOUZEEK on your computer from the iOS app or from Android & other smartphones, on WIFI or 3G !

 *Chat & DJ Mode: We just added an instant chat feature with the ability to follow the same music than a friend in real time!
名称 YOUZEEK Music
插件标识 cghjphbbdlofanjpfidhbalfmekjpcco
平台 Chrome
评分 4.67
评分人数 3

作者 vkilenov2
版本号 1.0
大小 20.61 KB
官网下载次数 387
更新时间 2017-11-05 00:00:00
