URL Increment Button for URLI Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于5年前 阅读数 20

扩展ID: decebmdlceenceecblpfjanoocfcmjai

1-Click URL Increment [+] Button for your toolbar. Requires URL Incrementer Extension. Uses 0 Chrome memory when inactive.Important: This is a 1-click button extension for the URL Incrementer (URLI) extension. You must have URL Incrementer installed for the button to work.

Mini FAQ!

Q: Do I need this if I have URL Incrementer installed?
Nope! This is only a convenient 1-click button for your toolbar.

Q: Why is this a separate extension?
Chrome limits extensions to only 1 toolbar icon. So, URL Incrementer can't offer you a 1-click button because of all the various buttons it needs to show you in its popup (Increment, Decrement, Clear, and so on). The popup is also really annoying and closes easily if you click outside of it, and it also requires two clicks to perform an action.

Q: Does this consume resources... am I going to regret installing this?
You won't! :) The background memory has been set to "persistent": false so the button consumes 0 memory from Chrome when you're not using it.

Q: How does it work with URL Incrementer?
It simply sends a message to URL Incrementer each time you click it to perform the action in 1 click. It does not contain any other code. You can just click it and use it like a Quick Shortcut, or use URL Incrementer first to select the part of the URL to Increment and the interval and other options, and all these settings will take effect when you click the button.

It's a win-win solution for everyone!
名称 URL Increment Button for URLI
插件标识 decebmdlceenceecblpfjanoocfcmjai
平台 Chrome
评分 0
评分人数 1

作者 Roy Six
版本号 5.5
大小 10.91 KB
官网下载次数 522
分类 查看更多 生产效率 分类下的扩展插件
更新时间 2018-07-26 00:00:00
