UC Grabber Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于6年前 阅读数 7

扩展ID: dimmeocemhglaadjicpnogdadmkkgpln

Simple tool for UoC students to enable easier downloads from Canvas and ilykei.com portalsThis simple Chrome extension is for University of Chicago students. Specially those who frequently use canvas.uchicago.edu and/or ilykei.com portals in their courses.

By default, these websites have cumbersome steps to batch download course documents belonging to a module or set of modules. This extension enables students to easily download the course materials.



version 0.7 - released:03/31/2018

Fixed a bug that affected downloads for Time Series & Analysis course.

version 0.6 - released:03/31/2018

Disabled Easter egg.

version 0.5 - released:04/01/2018

- Fixed a bug that caused downloads failure for Machine Learning course on ilykei. A more generic standard is used now for naming the download directories.
- More security is added to prevent some hidden edge cases causing download failures.

version 0.4 - released:03/31/2018

Added an Easter egg for April Fool's Day.

version 0.3 - released:01/26/2018

Add a reload button to clear stored downloads info for a tab. This will allow user to move to another module page in the same tab and download new content.


version 0.2 - released:01/25/2018

1. User can now close the popup box and move to other tabs after clicking Process
2. Download buttons for a page will be cached in background (events), so user will not have to click Process button more than once
4. Error check placed for cases when content script doesn't listen to the scrape request. User will now be suggested to refresh the page.
5. Performance improvement with jQuery selection logic
6. spaces allowed in directory names
名称 UC Grabber
插件标识 dimmeocemhglaadjicpnogdadmkkgpln
平台 Chrome
评分 0
评分人数 0


作者 Sumit Arora
版本号 0.7
大小 2.55 MB
官网下载次数 60
分类 查看更多 生产效率 分类下的扩展插件
更新时间 2018-06-29 00:00:00
