toddleOff Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于6年前 阅读数 16

扩展ID: dnbnedlkdghjfefdjkfdkoggeialdgbi

Blocks content relating to Kate and her sprog on news sites.Find and removes references to the happy expecting couple!

This extension attempts to make your life happier by removing news of the third-in-line's gestation. It looks for keywords that should give cause for alarm, and if it finds enough ('Middleton' and 'Duke' together would be a good clue), the story evaporates! It'll not always work, and there'll be false positives - but all in all, there should be less royal drivel on your web than before. If a story's been blocked that you want to read, just click to reveal it (of course, you proceed at your own risk!)

Works best for the Guardian and, particularly, the BBC. The other sites have more ads and the happy couple may take longer to leave. NEW – CNN, LA Times and NY Times are now being weeded too.

We're on Facebook at and at twitter we're not tweeting about the #royalbaby @ToddleOffRoyal.

(Our plugin needs to 'Access your data on' the news sites. It needs to do this to read the Kate, Wills and Sprog news so you don't have to. None of the data is kept or sent back. That's also why it's limited to the Guardian, the Telegraph, the BBC, the Indy and the Mail; and CNN and the NY and LA TImes.)
名称 toddleOff
插件标识 dnbnedlkdghjfefdjkfdkoggeialdgbi
平台 Chrome
评分 4.75
评分人数 4

作者 Toddle Off!
版本号 0.1.5
大小 87.14 KB
官网下载次数 4
更新时间 2013-01-19 00:00:00


