QBN - Quora Better Notification Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于6年前 阅读数 64

扩展ID: doeadnmeadgfgcgplbnibocnkkngddeb

A Better Notifications Hack for Quora"I have a few spare minutes, grab my phone, and see 1,075 notifications" 

I have been really frustrated with the default Quora notifications page. Hundreds of new notifications everyday, lots of them are redundant (i.e. the same question added to several topics i follow or x number of people added an answer to a question i follow).

I have decided that this has to end, i want to better view my notifications. This extension is a simple one. It can identify several actions in the notifications feed : 

		- new question added to a topic you follow
		- replies to a some action you posted
		- comments on one of your posts
		- comments on one of your answers
		- suggested edit to question
		- asked you to answer a question
		- mentioned you in a post
		- wrote an answer for a question you follow
		- promoted a question you asked
		- you have a new follower to one fo your blogs
		- you have a new follower to one of your questions
		- you have a new user following you
		- voted up an answer for you on some question
		- thanked you for an answer or contribution
		- Tweeted about some of your content
		- Suggested to edit your bio
After Catching these notifications, i have hacked the sidebar and presented these as filters with a counter for the new ones. But doing only that is not enough for me at this point, i wanted to do some kind of clustering for some of the notification types.

Notifications Clustering

At the current version of the extension i only cluster two types of notifications:

New Answer Notification: Instead of having multiple entries for answers added to a question i follow, they are now clustered like User(X) and (N) others posted an answer to question you follow.
New Questions added to a Topic: It happens very often that a single question is added to multiple categories, they are now clustered like Question(X) has been added to (N) Topics : (Topic1, Topic2 ... TopicN)

Future Work

I am planning to finish clustering for all the other actions. For example, the upVoting notification will be clustered in a similar fashion to Twitter's notification: User(X) and (N) others voted up your answer ...

Topics Filtering

If you are following lots of topics, you might be interested at some point to browse only a certain topic. For that, there is a dropdown list in the top that contains a list of all the topics (fine-grained list i.e. if there is a context found in a certain topic, the context is presented) discovered in the feed.


    - Quora implements an infinite scroll mechanism to fetch new notifications. I had problems trying to catch when an infinite call is done as it is not done via a normal AJAX request as i could not intercept that by assigning a hook on the ajax.success() or ajax.complete() on the document. So at the moment, there is function that runs on intervals of 5 seconds that will check for new notifications fetched by Quora and then applies the clustering and cleaning.
   - This is a very early prototype that was during a weekend, so please try it out and i will appreciate any feedback
   - Improvements and future requests are welcomed as well

Discussions about the issue

   - Improving Quora Notifications (http://www.quora.com/Improving-Quora-Notifications)
   - Can Quora let me filter out board notifications from all the other ones? (http://www.quora.com/Notifications-on-Quora/Can-Quora-let-me-filter-out-board-notifications-from-all-the-other-ones)
   - Notifications on Quora (http://www.quora.com/Notifications-on-Quora)
   - How could Quora improve notifications ? (http://www.quora.com/Notifications-on-Quora/How-could-Quora-improve-notifications?share=1)

***** Updates *******
- Adapted the new Quora CSS styling:
    + Fixed the toolbar position and fixed its z-index
    + Added the notifications panel back on the right hand side
    + Fixed the cluster and mark-as-read notifications
- Various CSS overrides and improvements

  - Fixed CryptoJs dependency, solving filters not appearing in some instances

  - Fixed notifications tooltip to appear on top of the fixed header

  - Added Fixed header for clean notifications header and filters
  - Added mark as read icon next to unread notifications
  - The ability to mark single notifications as read

  - Fixed Questions Clustering bug that caused contextual questions to not display cluster information
  - Fixed Anonymous users answers on clusters
  - Improved performance by not parsing already checked elements
  - Improved cluster notification
  - Various overall performance and visual improvements

  - Fixed Performance issues caused by running QBN on 5 seconds intervals to catch new loaded notifications
  - Catching new Quora notifications by intercepting Ajax calls increasing overall performance
  - Fixing bug in populating topics filtering (duplicate entries)
  - Improved extension so that it runs automatically on notification page without clicking on the extension icon
  - Lots of other minor fixes and overall code optimizations

  - Minor Bug Fixes
名称 QBN - Quora Better Notification
插件标识 doeadnmeadgfgcgplbnibocnkkngddeb
平台 Chrome
评分 3.8
评分人数 5


作者 ahmad.a.assaf
版本号 0.31
大小 55.54 KB
官网下载次数 31
更新时间 2014-09-18 00:00:00
