Drumpf-Dumper Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于6年前 阅读数 94

扩展ID: dofmibgghinlcbbcfeiblflbcjpagaob

Replaces any instance of Pr*sident Tr*mp (I refuse to type that out uncensored) and a few other variations with Komrade Cheetoface.Parses all your web content and attempts to replace any instance of Pr*sident Tr*mp and a few other variations with "Komrade Cheetoface". Should also change references to the presidency with "Cheetoface Presidency". 

Do note it won't work if there's a link that doesn't encompass all the text. This is just a simple string search and replace, it's not going to Hack your Gibson. It does require permissions to read your data - but check the source for yourself. A few lines of javascript, everything is processed locally. 

How is this helping? Well - Resistance starts at home, and it can still be funny. The head of the executive branch doesn't have to be the leader of the free world, and they don't have to be regarded as any leader by you. 

(Unless you're in the military in which case yes he is technically your boss and that probably sucks. Related: If you are in the military and are ordered to launch a nuclear first strike by this cheeto please take one for civilization and disobey that order. I Digress.) 
Anyway, enjoy this, and stay strong, kids. 

If you really want to give me money Donate BTC why not sure: 1BL8LGhZpcDGcWci8eKAL4abSEnpkYJYhy
名称 Drumpf-Dumper
插件标识 dofmibgghinlcbbcfeiblflbcjpagaob
平台 Chrome
评分 0
评分人数 2

作者 Jon E. Hanford
版本号 1.0
大小 13.69 KB
官网下载次数 19
分类 查看更多 娱乐 分类下的扩展插件
更新时间 2017-01-21 00:00:00

