What-If GradeSpeed Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

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扩展ID: efmdcdlehpakgjdedjimhiojdjebenlj

Allows for hypothetical calculation of grades for assignments in HISD's gradespeed portal.Allows for hypothetical calculation of grades for assignments in HISD's GradeSpeed portal. Open the normal GradeSpeed portal, then click the button in the top right corner saying "Open what-if grades". Once on the page, click on any of the class averages to view individual assignments as normal. Next to each grade spot, there should be a write button that allows you to change the grade and update the averages accordingly. This allows for you to preview what certain grades would do to your overall average. This takes grade weighting into account.

Version 0.1 - Initial Release
Version 0.2 - Fixed bug that broke overall average for classes with only one section
Version 0.3 - Added mouse cursor change on hover over buttons
Version 0.4 - Minified/Uglified JS
Version 0.5 - Added feature to allow for user to add new assignments to grade list
Version 0.6 - Behind the scenes refactoring of code
Version 0.7 - Fixed bug with "Exc" grade breaking calculations
Version 0.8 - Behind the scenes code refactoring to update to ES6 features.
Version 0.9 - More refactoring
Version 1.0 - Added delete feature and fixed some calculation bugs
Version 1.1 - Properly rounded final average instead of forcing it to round up
Version 1.2 - Added feature to add final exam grades to change semester averages
Version 1.3 - Fixed broken link trigger.
名称 What-If GradeSpeed
插件标识 efmdcdlehpakgjdedjimhiojdjebenlj
平台 Chrome
评分 0
评分人数 5

作者 Owen Hines
版本号 1.3
大小 35.41 KB
官网下载次数 158
分类 查看更多 生产效率 分类下的扩展插件
更新时间 2018-09-11 00:00:00

