WebNotes Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于6年前 阅读数 14

扩展ID: eiadlbidoeoplecpogdailomdnahhich

Make a note of important points in any article on a web pageAbout WebNotes:
Have you ever wondered if there was a better way to make notes when you are researching for something on the web instead of using a Notepad to save important notes? Say bye bye to the notepad! Here is Web Notes. A simple extension that helps you take notes on the web at the click of a button.

New Features:
> Categorize notes using tags
> Rename Tags
> Delete Tags and Notes assigned to those tags
> Change Tag assigned to a note
> Updated context menu to enhance user experience

User Guide:
Adding a New Tag:
1. Right Click on the web page and "Web Notes -> Add New Tag"
2. In the pop-up box enter the new tag name

Save a Note:
1. Select the text from the web page
2. Right Click on the selected text and "Web Notes -> Add Note to [<default_tag>]"

View Notes:
1. Click on the Web Notes button beside the omnibox (URL/Address bar)
2. You'll be taken to a new tab with all your notes

Rename Tags:
1. Click on the Web Notes button beside the omnibox (URL/Address bar)
2. Select the tag from the drop down box
3. Press the Pencil button (tool-tip: Rename Tag...) beside the drop down box
4. In the pop up box enter the new tag name and click on 'Ok'.

Delete Tags:
1. Click on the Web Notes button beside the omnibox (URL/Address bar)
2. Select the tag from the drop down box
3. Press the Trash button (tool-tip: Delete Tag) beside the drop down box
4. The tag and all its notes will be deleted

1. What is "Set Default Tag"?
A. This option is used to set the default tag under which a note will be saved. It is only visible when your Right Click without making any selection.

2. What is "Add Note to a New Tag"?
A. This option will add a new tag and save the selected text under the new tag. This option is only visible when you Right Click on selected text.

3. Why don't I see the newly added tag in my Web Notes drop-down?
A. Refresh your Web Notes page to display all the newly added tags.

Upcoming Features:
> Import and Export Notes

<--Developer Message-->
New feature requests are welcome.
名称 WebNotes
插件标识 eiadlbidoeoplecpogdailomdnahhich
平台 Chrome
评分 0
评分人数 17

作者 ExodusWare
版本号 1.4.3
大小 80.39 KB
官网下载次数 1000
分类 查看更多 生产效率 分类下的扩展插件
更新时间 2016-02-13 00:00:00


