ArConnect Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

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扩展ID: einnioafmpimabjcddiinlhmijaionap

Arweave 的安全钱包管理Your gateway to Arweave!  A self custody Arweave  wallet with extensive features,
all in your favorite browser.

* Manage assets & view your activity - View Arweave-native token balances and NFTs across multiple wallets and seamlessly switch between accounts. Oversee real-time transaction history with access to view block, all in 1-click.

* Send and receive assets with ease - Powerful token management with an easy-to-use interface.  All wallet data is backed up by the secure browser extension storage API keeping your assets safe.

* Interact with Arweave apps - ArConnect is the secure gateway to the leading platforms in the growing Arweave ecosystem. Interact with dApps ranging from permanent storage, NFT marketplaces, exchanges and more.

* Focus on the development - ArConnect makes it simple for developers to spend their time on what matters: coding. It's easy to integrate our API and debug your apps with our selection of developer tools.
名称 ArConnect
插件标识 einnioafmpimabjcddiinlhmijaionap
平台 Chrome
评分 3.5
评分人数 80

版本号 1.14.3
大小 12 B
官网下载次数 40000
更新时间 2024-06-26 00:00:00

