mySpires Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于5年前 阅读数 10

扩展ID: ejidfomdndeogeipjkjigaeaeohbgcpf

An unofficial assistant for INSPIRE, arXiv, and NASA/ADS.mySpires is a free, light-weight, and completely browser-implemented reference management system. It keeps track of your references while you focus on writing your research papers, dissertations, theses, or are just on a literature hunt for your next groundbreaking idea.

There are a bunch of bibliography management systems out there catering to researchers, but quite often you need to go out of your way to an independent software or website to add to or maintain your database. This is where mySpires is different. mySpires integrates your reference library directly to your browser for a seamless experience. You never have to leave your browser or go to a dedicated website, or even click on a popup most of the times, to keep track of your literature survey.

mySpires does this magic via this browser plugin. Whenever you visit,, or, the plugin adds a small snippet to the page that allows you to add or modify a record in your library without ever having to interrupt your workflow. If you choose to, you can take it a step further and ask mySpires to keep a history of the references you visit. You can revisit your history later at any time and save the records that you found were helpful.

mySpires maintains a BibTeX database for you of all the records that you add to your library. If you are into automation, you can link your Dropbox account and mySpires will keep an up-to-date copy of your BibTeX database in your Dropbox folder. You can refer to this file in your TeX projects, or better yet, symlink it to your texmf folder. Possibilities are endless.
名称 mySpires
插件标识 ejidfomdndeogeipjkjigaeaeohbgcpf
平台 Chrome
评分 0
评分人数 1

作者 ajainphysx
版本号 0.6.1
大小 998 KB
官网下载次数 11
分类 查看更多 生产效率 分类下的扩展插件
更新时间 2020-04-26 00:00:00


