Petra Aptos Wallet Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

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扩展ID: ejjladinnckdgjemekebdpeokbikhfci

A crypto wallet on Aptos.Petra wallet is an extension that lets you explore Aptos in your browser. Made with ❤️ by Aptos Labs.

With the browser extension installed, Petra allows you to engage with Web3 apps (or distributed applications) on the Aptos blockchain. 

🛡Security matters.
- Petra encrypts your keys and mnemonics on your device
- Import private keys and mnemonics into your wallet
- Rotate your private key from within the wallet if needed
- Easily review and simulate transactions before signing them

🔭 Explore confidently.
- Transfer coins and view NFTs all from within the extension
- Interact with NFT Marketplaces, DeFi applications, and other dApps
- Store and switch between multiple accounts easily
名称 Petra Aptos Wallet
插件标识 ejjladinnckdgjemekebdpeokbikhfci
平台 Chrome
评分 0
评分人数 1652

版本号 1.1.9
大小 2.06 MB
官网下载次数 300000
更新时间 2023-02-06 00:00:00