Canvas for Chrome Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于6年前 阅读数 79

扩展ID: fcleebjcpdpjgmcddmefccoempjoagce

Curate and Share Insightful Content with your company and team members using the Canvas Chrome extension.Curate and share insightful content with your company and team members using the Canvas Chrome extension.

Browse. Clip. Share.  Discover and share insightful content from anywhere on the web. Curate industry related articles, photos, videos, blog posts and quotes while you browse. Share with your company and team members with one click.

Canvas's Chrome extension is a free extension to the Chrome browser that brings the power of Canvas natively into the browser experience. Canvas automagically pulls and publishes the selected web page content in a beautiful magazine layout for easy reading, sharing and archiving. Canvas's chrome extension is the simplest and smartest way to curate and share industry related content, allowing you and your company to stay abreast of key insights and strategic developments. 

Canvas Chrome Extension Highlights:

● Search, share and archive company and industry related content from the web
● Share while you browse with one click and without leaving your browser window
● Share insightul articles, images and videos effortlessly through Canvas and your social networks
● Post content to the entire company or with select team members
● Designate posts as public or private

Canvas.  The Art of Work™
名称 Canvas for Chrome
插件标识 fcleebjcpdpjgmcddmefccoempjoagce
平台 Chrome
评分 3
评分人数 2

作者 icon-chrome-extension
版本号 1.0.0
大小 108 KB
官网下载次数 566
更新时间 2015-06-12 00:00:00