Email Tracking Outlook Desktop Alerts Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于6年前 阅读数 7

扩展ID: fenldmlelgikfmcigofelpgganelagga

Outlook desktop alerts display when someone has opened your email or clicked on your link.Find out who’s opening your emails & clicking your links. See what happens after you hit send.

✔ Automatically track every email
✔ Receive a desktop notification every time your email is opened
✔ Receive a desktop notification every time a link in your email is clicked
✔ View graph analytics that tell you your top subject lines, cities, links, and more

Who uses ContactMonkey?

→ Professionals who want the tools to take their sales to the next level without ever leaving their inbox
→ Teams who want to access powerful sales tools in a simple, easy-to-use dashboard
→ Frequent email users who want to upgrade their email insights and efficiency
→ Trusted by leading names including Amazon, Expedia, Oracle, TELUS & more
→ Enjoyed daily by 100,000+ users
→ Used by over 1,200+ sales teams 


“I use ContactMonkey in Outlook and it’s great to see when a prospect is opening my email many times.”

“A must-have add-in for Outlook and Salesftorce!”

“This is an amazing tool for any sales team. It hits where everyone else misses.”

Keep it simple, sell smarter, and stay organized. Experience Salesforce right in your Outlook inbox. View all your Salesforce data without switching between Salesforce and Outlook. Enhance your sales experience with ContactMonkey!

Want to chat? Contact us at [email protected]!
名称 Email Tracking Outlook Desktop Alerts
插件标识 fenldmlelgikfmcigofelpgganelagga
平台 Chrome
评分 4.44
评分人数 25

作者 contactmonkey-chrome
版本号 1.0.2
大小 60.06 KB
官网下载次数 1698
更新时间 2017-05-30 00:00:00
