historyStats Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于6年前 阅读数 50

扩展ID: ffnaaljjakfkhpjjgfmjhcgamcoflinm

Track the your number of visits and automatically creates graph and charts of it.► What is the functionality?
Time Stats tracks your history statistics and helps you to collects stats of the sites you visit. It counts the number of visits on all of the websites you have every been to.

It’s quick to access and easy to use.  You can delete the statistics of any date you want. You can also uncheck or remove a site from the statistics. 

► What charts are included?
Daily statistics – Showing the statistics of websites visited by day

* Monthly statistics – Showing the statistics of websites visited by month

* Visited sites – Taken from the complete statistics about your browsing.

* Site statistics – Showing how much time you spend on certain website during the time you have Time Stats installed.

* Time spent – Showing the total amount of time you spend browsing each day

* Most visited domains – The complete list of the most visited domains from the most visited to the least visited

* Most Busiest days – The days you spend the largest amount of time browsing the web.

► Categories
You can sort your websites into the categories, which you can name by yourself.

For example you can add Facebook, Youtube, Twitter and Google+ to category named Fun, and then you can see how much time you spend having fun on these websites.

The historyStats is completely free and without any ads. 

► About the developer
Wips.com is a team of developer enthusiastic about Chrome Extensions and Mozilla Add-ons. We love developing extensions for users and we are happy to hear new ideas and any feedback from you. That is why you can write us on [email protected] anytime and be sure that we will reply. 

Stay tuned for new extensions. We are planning to make a lot of them!

With love ♥
Wips.com team

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名称 historyStats
插件标识 ffnaaljjakfkhpjjgfmjhcgamcoflinm
平台 Chrome
评分 4.08
评分人数 13


作者 Wips.com
版本号 1.0.7
大小 292 KB
官网下载次数 1590
更新时间 2015-08-25 00:00:00


