HTTP-TRACKER - Chrome 应用商店 Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

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扩展ID: fklakbbaaknbgcedidhblbnhclijnhbi

Inspect HTTP request headers, cookies, data, response Headers, cookies and add/modify request headers before sending requestsMonitors browser network for all tabs, pages in a single extension window. Track network traffic like request headers, cookies sent from each tab for each request, and corresponding response headers, cookies. This extension provides feasibility to filter and capture only a set of requests, or 
 to exclude a set of requests, block a set of requests. Works like a "tamper data", "web interceptor", "web sniffer", "network monitor", "headers editor", "headers monitor", "cookies editor", "http headers", "request interceptor", etc

From the captured data, you can filter requests to view based on various attributes, clear all captured data, compare with previous/different requests, single page to see all the traffic in a centralized place instead of each tab. 

Add/modify the request headers before sending the request for all requests or for a domain or for a single url
Delete all cookies for the selected domain, or for a domain of your wish.

        - Single instance add-on - Always loads a single instance popup/tab which gets activated on further clicks
        - Non blocking (async) monitoring of the browser traffic, with no additional delay to the actual requests
        - request-response pairing
        - Capture only required url's containing particular pattern(s)
        - Exclude all unwanted url's containing particular patterns(s)
        - Block request url's containing particular patterns(s) to simulate a 404 behavior
        - Mask data in form fields containing particular patterns(s)
        - Filter url's to display and analyze
        - Delete complete captured data
        - Delete single url which was captured
        - Delete all the filtered data
        - Compare request and responses between sessions and incognito (need access to incognito)
        - Capture form data only if needed
        - Use preferences page to store settings in the browser storage to avoid repeated entry of patterns
        - High security
        - High performance
        - Tool tips on the page to give an understanding of the page elements
        - Pause and resume the tracker
        - Add or modify request headers before sending requests
        - Delete all cookies for a domain (either selected event or manually)
        - Tool tip on each UI component to easily give users the info of what the component does
        - Find text in details with highlighting text

        - Mask form fields data like usernames, passwords, etc providing high security
        - Information about your browsing is never transmitted or disclosed to either the add-on developers or any other party

        - Works async - Near to zero delay to the actual http request
        - Filter results in < 100 ms when the captured results are more than 10K

        - Easy access to the add-on : use command/Control + Shift + 1 any time to open the add-on window
        - Single instance window

Other links
        - Link to Firefox add-on :

Reviews / Ratings:
        - Please like and rate the add-on - A lot of effort has been put in developing this add-on
名称 HTTP-TRACKER - Chrome 应用商店
插件标识 fklakbbaaknbgcedidhblbnhclijnhbi
平台 Chrome

版本号 2.2.6
大小 85 B
官网下载次数 20000
更新时间 2022-03-29 00:00:00
