Wallabagger Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于6年前 阅读数 28

扩展ID: gbmgphmejlcoihgedabhgjdkcahacjlj

This wallabag v2 extension has the ability to edit title and tags and set starred, archived, or delete states.Wallabagger is extension for add pages to wallabag, with ability to:

save current page
edit title
add (with autocomplete!) and remove tags
set starred and archived

What is wallabag?

wallabag is a self hostable application allowing you to not miss any content anymore. More informations on website: wallabag.org

New in 1.10.4
- reducing permissions

New in 1.10
- Japanese translation
- backspace returns last tag to edit
- Fix popup action buttons accessibility
- selecting and deleting tags with keyboard

New in 1.9
- china translation
- option for automatic archive article

New in 1.7
- Open preferences in another tab (same behavior between browsers)
- Responsive layout improved
- Better wallabag's URL handling (protocol removing, protocol type detection)
- Fix icon keeping the good green status
- Meta charset added to popup.html
- Fix translation typo
- Open options page after installed

New in 1.6 
-some fixes

New in 1.4.5
- French and Russian translations
- some fixes

New in 1.4.4
-navigate in found tags with Ctrl+Arrows
-some fixes

New in v1.3
- Indication that this page is already saved by green icon 
- Option to enable\disable indication

New in v1.2
- Hotkeys for background saving
- Context menu for saving page and link
- Context menu items for goto various wallabag pages
- Tagging work improvements
- Webextension compatibility - works in Firefox browser

New in v1.1
- Fixed archived flag
- implements : option "Allow space in tags" switch fix tags key to enter
- focus set to tag input right after open
- right key add first found tag

New in v1.4 
- totally asyncronous, much faster

New in v1.4.2
- fixed saving with context menu
名称 Wallabagger
插件标识 gbmgphmejlcoihgedabhgjdkcahacjlj
平台 Chrome
评分 0
评分人数 22

作者 wallabagger-developers
版本号 1.10.4
大小 429 KB
官网下载次数 4000
分类 查看更多 生产效率 分类下的扩展插件
更新时间 2020-03-03 00:00:00


