Surfingkeys Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于6年前 阅读数 23

扩展ID: gfbliohnnapiefjpjlpjnehglfpaknnc

Rich shortcuts to click links/switch tabs/scroll, capture pages, use your browser like vim for productivity.A Chrome extension for Vim users, but EMACS users would also love it, as it is much extendable with javascript.

# to click links

    f   Open a link, press SHIFT to flip hints if they are overlapped.
    C   Open a link in non-active new tab
    cf  Open multiple links in a new tab
    gf  Open a link in non-active new tab
    af  Open a link in new tab

# to switch tabs

    E    Go one tab left
    R    Go one tab right
    x    Close current tab
    X    Restore closed tab
    W    New window with current tab
    J    Move current tab to left
    K    Move current tab to right
    yt   Duplicate current tab
    <<   Move current tab to left
    >>   Move current tab to right
    g0   Go to the first tab
    g$   Go to the last tab
    gx0  Close all tabs on left
    gxt  Close tab on left
    gxT  Close tab on right
    gx$  Close all tabs on right

# to scroll pages / DIVs

    0    Scroll all the way to the left
    e    Scroll a page up
    d    Scroll a page down
    gg   Scroll to the top of the page
    G    Scroll to the bottom of the page
    j    Scroll down
    k    Scroll up
    h    Scroll left
    l    Scroll right
    $    Scroll all the way to the right
    %    Scroll to percentage of current page
    cS   Reset scroll target
    cs   Change scroll target

# to capture full pages / DIV

    yG   Capture current full page
    yS   Capture scrolling element

# to search seleted with kinds of search engines

    sg   Search selected with google
    sw   Search selected with bing
    sy   Search selected with youtube
    sb   Search selected with baidu

# to edit input with vim editor

    Ctrl-i   Go to edit box with vim editor

# to edit URL with vim editor

    su   Edit current URL with vim editor
名称 Surfingkeys
插件标识 gfbliohnnapiefjpjlpjnehglfpaknnc
平台 Chrome
评分 0
评分人数 260

作者 hzgmaxwell
版本号 1.12
大小 1.14 MB
官网下载次数 10000
分类 查看更多 生产效率 分类下的扩展插件
更新时间 2022-11-15 00:00:00


