3o2 - Headless URL shortener Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于6年前 阅读数 65

扩展ID: gfeaiioabpdloalppmcbnnnkegkciibj

Shrink any URL from your Chrome (or Chromium based) browser.Are you looking for a way to get short, easy to remember and clear URLs? Then, this extension is for you! The 3o2.co is the stupidly easy to use headless URL shortening service, which you can use straight from your browser, even without going to another tab!

It converts long URLs, such as "http://this-is-a-really-long.and?boring=url-ever" into "https://302.co/[ABC]", where ABC is a special code. After get any shorten URL, you can also track its clicks and usage.

### WHAT'S NEW IN VERSION 2.0.0 ###
This version rolls out a major update with a full refactoring of the code, design and features.

### WHAT'S NEW IN VERSION 1.1.0 ###
From this version you can input your private API Key and take advantage from the advanced shortening options, including: defining an expiration time for all short URLs, get ride from the delay count-down page and get all your shorten URLs listed in your account dashboard.

In order to get your private API key, please visit https://3o2.co/signup and sign up for an account. Uf you have already an account created, after sign in to your account, just visit https://3o2.co/account.
名称 3o2 - Headless URL shortener
插件标识 gfeaiioabpdloalppmcbnnnkegkciibj
平台 Chrome
评分 0
评分人数 2


作者 Rogerio Taques
版本号 2.0.0
大小 105 KB
官网下载次数 25
分类 查看更多 生产效率 分类下的扩展插件
更新时间 2020-10-17 00:00:00
