VU Quiz Assistant Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于4年前 阅读数 13

扩展ID: ghabolihfikhhimgfdapnlkajidaheke

This extension was developed to assist students while attempting quizzes.VU Quiz Assistant is a toolkit that will work as your personal assistant during attempting Quizzes in VU LMS

Extension Features:

1. Take Screenshot will help you to save your quizzes and allow you to share with your Friends

2. Easily Search your Questions in our database with one click.

3. Search in our database tab for more accurate answers.

4. Direct Copy Feature in our vu toolkit will allow you to directly copy your question to clipboard.

5. Include Subject code option  in our vu allow quiz copy tool will help you to search questions under the same subject code on google.

6. Search exact query option in our vu Quiz Assistant will help you to filter the question and  copy and search the exact question on google.

7. Tukka lagao option in our vu toolkit will help you to select a random answer  when ever you got confused about question selection.

8. Skip Dashes feature in our vu allow quiz copy tool will help you out to filter and search the question without dashes on google.

9. By Enabling the Timer alert in our vu toolkit will help you out to get alert about running out time while scrolling in others tabs.

10. Setting the timer of  beep alert in our vu allow quiz copy toolkit will help you to alert about running out time with a beep.

11. Our Vu Quiz Assistant will also send you a notification to alert you about running out time.

12. VU Quiz Skin option is one of the best feature in our vu toolkit to switch between the different skins of vu quiz tab.

 VU Quiz Assistant is a best Vu Toolkit and VU Allow Quiz Copy tool to help you to solve your quizzes through VU LMS.
名称 VU Quiz Assistant
插件标识 ghabolihfikhhimgfdapnlkajidaheke
平台 Chrome
评分 0
评分人数 4

作者 CodeSpikeX
版本号 2.0.1
大小 436 KB
官网下载次数 626
分类 查看更多 无障碍辅助 分类下的扩展插件
更新时间 2020-08-04 00:00:00
