Send to Who? Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于6年前 阅读数 68

扩展ID: gkokcmdeaolhgogdacknofkgddalejmb

Get a subtle notification when your Gmail message recipients' email address matches one of the saved patterns.Get a subtle notification when you are composing a Gmail message if your recipients' email address matches one of that patterns you've defined.

Perfect for Schools!

This extension was built to help districts who utilize Gmail as their email provider. With many districts giving students email addresses, it's sometimes hard to tell if the recipient you just added to your email was a teacher or a student. By providing a pattern that will match student email addresses, this extension will warn you if your email is going to be sent to students.

This extension can be configured with Google Administrative Policies so users don't have to mess with confusing regular expressions.

Policy Configuration

If you are managing a Chrome installation base through Google Apps Admin you can push out a policy configuration file so that your users don't have to manually set up their installation. The configuration file is a simple JSON file with two entries. The Patterns entry is an array of patterns that the extension will use to match recipients. If a match is found, the NotificationMessage entry will be display. Your NotificationMessage can say anything you'd like. You can even embed the number of matches in the message with the token '{{count}}'. You can also pluralize any part of the string using this token format: '{{string_if_count_is_1|string_if_count_is_greater_than_1}}'.

Here's an example:

    "Patterns": {
        "Value": ["(?:.*)[email protected]"]
    "NotificationMessage": {
        "Value": "This message will be sent to {{count}} student{{|s}}."

Individual User Configuration

If you're running a version of Chrome that isn't managed by policy, or you want to add additional patterns to match against, use the Extension's option page to specify additional patterns. At this time, you can't specify a custom notification message from the options page. 

Known Issues

* Highlighting all of a message's recipients and deleting them en masse doesn't seem to trigger the recipients change event, so the notification may not go away.
* If you have a message open when you load Gmail, it may not trigger the notification until another address has been added or removed
名称 Send to Who?
插件标识 gkokcmdeaolhgogdacknofkgddalejmb
平台 Chrome
评分 0
评分人数 0

作者 Jace Ferguson
版本号 1.0.3
大小 74.14 KB
官网下载次数 1290
更新时间 2016-11-06 00:00:00
