Jurassic World Wallpapers Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于6年前 阅读数 11

扩展ID: gmpnaaljpofiaggnecbnfbljpjhnmbce

Get Jurassic World Wallpapers - Enjoy HD Themes Each Time You Open a New TabGet Jurassic World Wallpapers & Themes on your chrome - Enjoy a beautiful background every time you open a new tab.

These are just some of our extension features - 

>>> Quick access and navigation icons to the most popular sites - Facebook, Twitter, Ebay, Gmail, Youtube and more.
>>> Accurate weather forecast - For today and your week ahead. You can even change from Celsius to Fahrenheit So it suits you best.
>>> Analog clock that shows your current local time.
>>> Date based on your location. 
>>> Try choosing your favorite picture or let us choose it for you in shuffle mode.
>>> User friendly and easy to use with a customized search bar.

Please feel free to contact us by leaving your honest review and we will make sure to reply as soon as possible!
You will never get bored from our extension because we add new images from time to time. 

Thanks for your support and we hope you will find our themes fascinating, awesome and breathtaking - Enjoy!
名称 Jurassic World Wallpapers
插件标识 gmpnaaljpofiaggnecbnfbljpjhnmbce
平台 Chrome
评分 4.07
评分人数 1672

作者 Wallpapers
版本号 1.6.7
大小 5.93 KB
官网下载次数 1684
更新时间 2017-12-23 00:00:00