PlansPlus Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于6年前 阅读数 49

扩展ID: gpoeoeelhkjofapebllbblondbgkcjhc

Enhancements to GrinnellPlans: Newlove, keybord navigation, new windows for external links, and an updating autofinger listOnce you have PlansPlus installed, refresh Plans in your browser (or visit Plans if you don't have it open already, but let's be honest, who among us doesn't keep Plans open in a tab all day?). Enjoy these lovely enhancements to Plans:

• Hit the "q" key to go to your quicklove page.
• Hit the "n" key to read the bottommost plan in your currently selected autoread level.
• Hit the "m" key to read the topmost plan in your currently selected autoread level.
• Hit the "1," "2" or "3" keys to switch between autoread levels.
• Click on any non-Plans link and watch it open in a new tab/window.
• Visit your quicklove page and get notified of what new planlove you have since the last time you visited the page, a.k.a. newlove. (Newlove should configure itself automagically the first time you visit your quicklove page after installing PlansPlus.)
• Leave Plans open and watch as your autoread list periodically updates to let you know that you have new plans to read, you Plans addict you.
• Visit your preferences page to customize how PlansPlus works.
名称 PlansPlus
插件标识 gpoeoeelhkjofapebllbblondbgkcjhc
平台 Chrome
评分 0
评分人数 3

作者 Nicholas Johnson
版本号 1.1.2
大小 6.7 KB
官网下载次数 144
分类 查看更多 交流沟通 分类下的扩展插件
更新时间 2018-09-20 00:00:00


