Roblox GameSort Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于6年前 阅读数 59

扩展ID: hgadkefhajleckmhebldomlhdjcpdnjp

Sorts and displays all of the highest rated games based on their thumb scores.This extension automatically records the thumbs up and thumbs down of every game on any page you visit and sorts them according to how many ratings the game has and how good those ratings are based on a binomial proportion confidence interval. These ratings can be found sorted under the added game filter 'Highest Rated.'

2.4 - Given the addition of the official 'Top Rated' sort filter created by Roblox (which, in fact, is actually a very similar algorithm to mine) this extension is no longer useful. Individual games and profiles will still have my ratings listed, and will be updated automatically as you browse any filter of the liquid games page.

2.3 - Searched through every single game that has more than 500 visits and refreshed the default top 1000 list, adding a few significantly high-rated games that were missing
- Your games list automatically updates from the default list if it contains any new games or updated ratings

2.2 - Updated the default top 1000 list
- Further scoring algorithm enhancements

2.1 - Fixed a bug from another games page update

2.0 - Removed the old formatting script
- Updated the sorting algorithm
- Smoother page loading

1.9 - Re-implemented the old format because the games page was changed back. Both reformatting scripts run at once, the one that works will continue.

1.8 - Additional reformatting to support another games page update

1.7 - Reformatted the entire extension to fit the new games page layout
    - Games list adds new rows as you scroll
    - Ratings update automatically from oldest to newest when you browse the highest rated page
    - Top 1,000 default games list updated

1.6 - Games' individual ranks are displayed on the highest rated filter page
    - Games on peoples' profiles have their ranks displayed
    - Web crawler updated to record games from profiles, favorites, etc.
    - Top 1,000 default games list updated

1.5 - Unrated games are no longer recorded
    - All currently recorded unrated games are erased
    - Top 1,000 default games list updated

1.4 - Improved search bar efficiency
    - Added a page-input box

1.3 - Added a search bar
    - Started displaying ranks on the game's page

1.2 - Added the top 1,000 games as a default list

1.1 - First stable release:
    - Record ratings of all games on any visited page
    - Sort games based on their ratings

1.0 - Highest Rated filter on the Games page
    - Navigate through the highest rated filter's pages
    - Mouse-over window is filled with rating statistics
名称 Roblox GameSort
插件标识 hgadkefhajleckmhebldomlhdjcpdnjp
平台 Chrome
评分 0
评分人数 50

作者 Waffle
版本号 2.41
大小 86.74 KB
官网下载次数 1000
分类 查看更多 生产效率 分类下的扩展插件
更新时间 2013-08-20 00:00:00
