Password Sage Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于6年前 阅读数 36

扩展ID: hggpcjohfccanbgbgokaipcflonlllfl

Password Sage Phishing ProtectionPassword Sage helps protect against phishing attacks

If you enter your Google or Facebook password into anywhere other than Google or Facebook's sign-in page, you’ll receive an alert if we're not very convinced it is safe, so you can quickly change your password if needed. 

-- When will Password Sage take effect?
Password Sage will initialize itself the next time you login to Google or Facebook.

-- Does Password Sage store my password or keystrokes?
No. Password Sage doesn’t store your password or keystrokes -- instead, it stores a secure thumbnail of your password, which it compares against a thumbnail of your most recent keystrokes within Chrome.

-- Whad data does Password Sage send back to your servers?
Password Sage collects data about where you enter your Google or Facebook password and what sites you whitelist so that we can reduce the amount of false alerts you see when you try to login to your websites

-- What are Password Sage limits?
Password Sage only operates inside the Chrome web browser when Javascript is enabled. Password Sage doesn't protect Chrome Apps or Chrome Extensions, and it only protect incognito tabs if configured at chrome://extensions. It also does not protect passwords for non-Google services.
-- Where can I find more details?
You can see more details about how this differs from Password Alert here:
名称 Password Sage
插件标识 hggpcjohfccanbgbgokaipcflonlllfl
平台 Chrome
评分 5
评分人数 1

作者 Password Sage
版本号 0.1.3
大小 377 KB
官网下载次数 54
更新时间 2015-11-30 00:00:00
