URL Incrementer Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于6年前 阅读数 83

扩展ID: hjgllnccfndbjbedlecgdedlikohgbko

Increment [+] a URL or go to the Next [>] Page; Supports Auto- and Download-IncrementingImportant:
I really want you to be 100% happy with URLI, so if something isn't working right, or if there's anything you don't like, please before leaving a low-rating/review, email me and give me a chance to fix it, and I promise I will. Developers do not get notifications when you leave a review or open a support issue. Thank you (times infinity!) for letting URLI play a small part in your Chrome experience!

URLI ("yur-lee") increments URLs. For example, if the URL has a "page=1" in it or if there's a Next [>] link on the page, URLI can get you to "page=2" quickly and conveniently.

- Auto Incrementing
- Download Incrementing [Experimental] (Requires Extra Permissions) **
- Increment [+] Decrement [-]
- Next [>] Prev [<]
- Chrome Shortcuts
- Internal Keyboard and Mouse Button Shortcuts (Requires Extra Permissions)
- "1 Click" Increment [+] Decrement [-] Button Extensions for Your Toolbar (Available on the Chrome Web Store)
- Error & Redirect Skipping: 404 Page Not Found, 3XX Redirects, 4XX Client Errors, 5XX Server Errors
- Options: Alphanumeric Incrementing, Change how URLI pre-selects the number to increment, Intervals, Leading Zeros... and more
- Safe, Open Source, Lightweight, No Ads, No Bloat, and Requires no permissions for most functionality

** Download Incrementing is an optional and experimental feature that is designed to be used with Auto to make a unique "Auto Incrementer Downloader." It's still very much in BETA. Thank you for being patient as this feature continues to be improved.

Special Thanks:
NickMWPrince and Gopi P. (AUTO Concept), Coolio Wolfus (Ver 1.X Testing), Eric C. (Alphanumeric Idea), and Adam C. & Will (Feedback)

... and most of all you for using URLI :)
名称 URL Incrementer
插件标识 hjgllnccfndbjbedlecgdedlikohgbko
平台 Chrome
评分 0
评分人数 50

作者 Roy Six
版本号 5.8
大小 173 KB
官网下载次数 4000
分类 查看更多 生产效率 分类下的扩展插件
更新时间 2018-09-16 00:00:00
