Explore nearby places for Booking.com Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于6年前 阅读数 47

扩展ID: hlcakjhiabbkilddicfonbkfnhgnkokj

Explore must-see places around your hotel, see exact distance with a short description of popular attractions.With yapQ’s plugin for Booking.com you can:
✓ Explore must-see places around the hotel
✓ See exact distance to help you decide between hotels
✓ Plan your daily travels with ease
✓ Create custom lists of must-see places based on your booking (on yapq.com)

"Brilliant! It’s an essential plugin for anyone using Booking.com for travel" - Paul, London

"So simple and beautiful - it’s a feature Booking.com should have offered years ago" - Ethan, SF

No more ‘a 5min walk to city center’ or ‘centrally located, near Buckingham Palace’. yapQ plugin for Booking.com is the ideal companion for your next booking. Get it now!

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We’re happy to hear your thoughts and feedback. Please email us directly: [email protected] or ping us on Twitter: @yapQapp.
名称 Explore nearby places for Booking.com
插件标识 hlcakjhiabbkilddicfonbkfnhgnkokj
平台 Chrome
评分 4.44
评分人数 9


作者 yaoQ.com
版本号 1.0.4
大小 242 KB
官网下载次数 1852
更新时间 2016-02-22 00:00:00
