Live editor for CSS, Less & Sass - Magic CSS Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于6年前 阅读数 7

扩展ID: ifhikkcafabcgolfjegfcgloomalapol

Live preview of CSS/Less/Sass code changes. Auto-save file, autocomplete, Less/Sass to CSS, beautify, CSS reloader, lint, ...Run this extension and start writing your CSS/Less/Sass code which gets applied immediately. The code you write will be saved in the browser extension's storage space or the site's local storage.

* Live editor for CSS/Less/Sass code - Preview changes as you write code
* Live edit CSS files and auto-save on file system
* CSS reloader
* Option to reapply styles automatically
* Syntax Highlighting
* Auto-generate CSS selectors with point-and-click
* Autocomplete for CSS selectors, properties and values
* Emmet support helps in quickly expanding abbreviations to CSS code (
* Color picker (supports HEX, RGB, RGBA, HSL and HSLA)
* Convert code from Less/Sass to CSS
* Beautify / Format code
* Minify code
* Highlight DOM elements matching the CSS selectors
* Option to load this extension in iframes as well
* Lint CSS code

Open source:

This extension is available for:
* Google Chrome
* Microsoft Edge
* Mozilla Firefox
* Opera

Visit for further details

Created by:
* Priyank Parashar

* No need to refresh pages to test your CSS/Less/Sass code
* Auto-save your changes to filesystem as you write the code
* Reload CSS resources without refreshing the page
* Speed-up development and testing of your styling code by doing it directly on your page
* Develop and test your code before finalizing your changes into the project files
* Apply some temporary styles (like hiding some components)
* Test styling changes even when you cannot modify the original source code

* The CSS/Less/Sass code you write gets applied as you write it
* The CSS reloader watches CSS files and live updates them immediately
* The Sass parser is loaded remotely from
* With this styling code tester, you can develop and test the code at the same time
* The code is saved in file/browser as soon as you write it
* The code editor is resizable and draggable
* The code you write is auto-saved at site level and can be used again for same or different pages
* You can use "TAB" key to indent your code
* Running Magic CSS again, while it is already loaded, will restore it to its original position and size
* Press "Esc" or click on close to hide it and run it again to continue making changes
* The code you write is added at the bottom of the <body> tag of the active page
* It includes CSS/Less/Sass beautifier
* It includes CSS minifier
* It highlights the DOM elements matching the CSS selectors
* Use it along with your favorite Chrome/Edge/Firefox/Opera Developer tools
* You might find it useful in creating your custom themes for websites based on Stylish / Stylist
* This extension was previously known as "MagiCSS - Live CSS Editor"

Credits for open source code used by this extension:
* Amplify JS
* Browserify
* Code Mirror
* codemirror-colorpicker by easylogic @ GitHub
* Emmet codemirror-plugin by emmetio @ GitHub
* CSS Pretty
* CSSLint
* jQuery
* jQuery UI
* jQuery UI Touch Punch
* Less
* magicsuggest
* Mozilla Source Map
* (WebSocket API library)
* Tooltipster

* "Auto-generate CSS selectors with point-and-click" feature is partly inspired by the Chrome extensions SelectorGadget and Stylebot

Connect to us at:
* Priyank Parashar -
名称 Live editor for CSS, Less &amp; Sass - Magic CSS
插件标识 ifhikkcafabcgolfjegfcgloomalapol
平台 Chrome
评分 0
评分人数 175

版本号 8.6.0
大小 573 KB
官网下载次数 40000
分类 查看更多 web开发 分类下的扩展插件
更新时间 2020-10-16 00:00:00
