Smart Ledger Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于6年前 阅读数 28

扩展ID: ihdpbfcenmkccpeiimogoaikgloijibk

Simple track and keep your ledger.You can add or search items to the shopping list easily. It will auto sync your data to every chrome browser with the extension. And change colors if you like.

Extension Features:
* Input item in the input box to add some items.
* Add remind by input a symbol @ before the date text. Example: @12/12/2015.
* Add tag by input a symbol # before the tag text. Example: #store.
* Add price by input a symbol $ before the price text. Example: $100.
* Mark a item by input a symbol ^. Example: ^.
* Edit a item by input a symbol ! and number then press enter key. Example:!10.
* Move 1's item into cart by input a string like ":[NUM]i". Example: ":1i".	
* Move 1's and 2's items into cart by input a string like ":[NUM1],[NUM2]i". Example: ":1,2i".
* Delete 1's item by input a string like ":[NUM]d". Example: ":1d".
* Delete 1's and 2's items by input a string like ":[NUM1],[NUM2]d". Example: ":1,2d".
* Click remove mark icon to remove marked items.
* Click remove icon to remove single item.
* Click edit icon to edit a item.
* Click hide mark icon to hide marked items.
* Click remind icon to switch remind mode.
* Click change colors icon to change the theme.
* Click option icon to show more functions.
* Show count of the unmark items at the icon.
* Change a theme by input string "colors leaf".
* Click help icon go to help page.
* Search a item by input some text in the input box.
名称 Smart Ledger
插件标识 ihdpbfcenmkccpeiimogoaikgloijibk
平台 Chrome
评分 0
评分人数 0

作者 Vere Perrot
版本号 1.6
大小 572 KB
官网下载次数 26
分类 查看更多 购物 分类下的扩展插件
更新时间 2015-12-13 00:00:00
