What.cd Snatched Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于6年前 阅读数 36

扩展ID: ihilnpfljigjmofaajndhkeniapkjmji

Mark your snatched, bookmarked, and uploaded torrents on What.CD .Default style description:
Uploaded torrents are green.
Snatched torrents are orange.
Currently leeching torrents are red.
Seeding torrents are italicized.
Snatched/Uploaded torrents you are not currently seeding have a strikethrough.
Torrent groups you've already downloaded are bold and underlined.

After the script has been installed it will start working automatically. Every 20 minutes the script will check your torrent pages to see if anything has changed and update your torrents accordingly. At times you might want to Reset your snatched or perform a full update (without resetting). On Firefox these option will appear in the Greasemonkey menu. To do this on Chrome, go to any torrents.php page and the dialog should appear to allow you to click on the links.

The status box will ALWAYS appear when you go to any torrents.php page. There are a number of options available. Click on the "Options" link to check them out.

For updates, and more information see the official thread here: https://what.cd/forums.php?action=viewthread&threadid=146415&page=1#post3705570
名称 What.cd Snatched
插件标识 ihilnpfljigjmofaajndhkeniapkjmji
平台 Chrome
评分 5
评分人数 12

作者 Mordred
版本号 1.4.0
大小 46.45 KB
官网下载次数 253
更新时间 2016-03-19 00:00:00

