PageArchiver Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于6年前 阅读数 19

扩展ID: ihkkeoeinpbomhnpkmmkpggkaefincbn

Helps you to archive web pages for offline readingPageArchiver extension is a "scrapbook-like" extension for Chrome.

1 - Features
 * save faithful archives
 * export/import zip files containing archives in HTML format
 * edit archives and add notes with the integrated WYSIWYG editor
 * add tags and rating to archives
 * search archives from title or page content
 * sort/filter archives by saved date, last read date, title, url, tags, rating and size...
 * use omnibox to search archives by title (type "pa" and tab key to trigger PageArchiver search)
 * bookmark and save archive (with Ctrl-S) when viewing it

Note: this extension needs "SingleFile Core" to be already installed (follow install instructions)

2 - Basic instructions
- save page displayed in the current tab:
  * click on PageArchiver button
  * click on "Tabs" link in the popup
  * click on "Save selected" button

- manage archives:
  * click on PageArchiver button
  * click on "Archives" link in the popup
  -> click on an archive link to view it
  -> rename or delete an archive with action icons (at the right of archive link)
  -> select archives with checkboxes and open, delete, tag or export into a zip file all selected archives

- Edit any archive when viewing it: 
  * click on the arrow at the top right of the screen and the editor toolbox will be displayed
  * click on "Save" button in the toolbox to save page content

- Configure the extension via the options page
名称 PageArchiver
插件标识 ihkkeoeinpbomhnpkmmkpggkaefincbn
平台 Chrome
评分 3.55
评分人数 212


作者 gildas
版本号 0.1.21
大小 168 KB
官网下载次数 42492
更新时间 2013-05-05 00:00:00

