SweDic (Swedish - English Dictionary) Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于6年前 阅读数 59

扩展ID: incfcomifnogniajmiejpobcpeillilo

Swedish - English Dictionary by look up at The People's Dictionary.**Please read "Useful features" and "How to use", then you can use the extension usefully.**

Swedish - English dictionary extension based on data from the People Dictionary (http://folkets-lexikon.csc.kth.se/folkets/folkets.en.html)

This extension was designed for Swedish/English language learner. It was designed to be like an online dictionary. It was not designed like Google Translate.

Useful features:
    - Instant audio player: Normally, when click to play audio in People Dictionary, it is so annoy that it will open a new tap and you have to click the audio again. With this extension, you don't !
     - Right click to translate: Yea, you know what it means!
     - Translate in same page: You do not have to open the people dictionary in another page and type the words you are looking for. Just type 'Ctrl+Q' or click the extension icon.
     - Extra links to Google Translate and Tyda.se

How to use:
   - highlight a word
   - Ctrl+Q
   - a popup will be shown  with translation

   - highlight a word
   - right click
   - choose 'translate by SweDic' 
   - a new tab will be shown  with translation

    - highlight a word
    - click the extension
    - popup will be shown with translation

   - Ctrl+Q
   - popup will be shown 
   - type a word and enter

  - click the extension
   - popup will be shown 
   - type a word and enter

Change logs:
   version 1.2: fix as require from google
   version 1.1.4: fix: some words cannot be found if there is whitespace with the words.

   version 1.1.3: add: when search on people dictionary, the extra links to the other dictionaries will be changed.

   version 1.1.2: fix: when go to http://folkets-lexikon.csc.kth.se/folkets/folkets.en.html  by right click and search for something, it creates a popup. 

   version 1.1.1: fix: when go to http://folkets-lexikon.csc.kth.se/folkets/folkets.en.html and search for something, it creates a popup. 

   version 1.1.0: add popup by adding more translators + google anaytic for each action:
   version 1.0.0: add css to fix position
                     : add extra links to Google Translate and Tyda.se
   version 0.9.7: add css
   version 0.9.5: add css
   version 0.9.2: add small description
   version 0.9.2: fix: change from Ctrl+Z to Ctrl+Q because Ctrl+Z equals 'undo'
   version 0.9.1: fix: The People Dictionary cannot search upper cases in popup.
   version 0.9.0: add Ctrl+Z be a hotkey to translate
                     : remove no-needed areas in popup
                     : change the old audio to flash audio then no annoy new tab
                       before be able to click play sound

   version 0.2.0: Add 'select word-> click extension -> translate in popup'

   version 0.1.1: Fix: The People Dictionary cannot search upper cases.
名称 SweDic (Swedish - English Dictionary)
插件标识 incfcomifnogniajmiejpobcpeillilo
平台 Chrome
评分 0
评分人数 30

作者 Surasin Tancharoen
版本号 1.2
大小 44.42 KB
官网下载次数 1000
分类 查看更多 生产效率 分类下的扩展插件
更新时间 2013-07-17 00:00:00
