Clippy 2: Revenge of the Clip Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于6年前 阅读数 63

扩展ID: ioideobcfemcedhabcggofbnbbmoahfn

Finally, Clippy comes to Chrome! Get help browsing the web.Have you ever been browsing the web and thought to yourself: "This is too easy and completely not something I need help with... If only I had Clippy while browsing the web to try to help me!"

Neither have I. But here it is anyway.

* Does clippy do anything useful? No.

* Is he condescending for no reason? Yes.

* Is the plugin performant or optimized in any way? Of course not.

* Will it possibly crash your browser and cause things to break. Almost certainly.

Finally, Clippy for chrome!
名称 Clippy 2: Revenge of the Clip
插件标识 ioideobcfemcedhabcggofbnbbmoahfn
平台 Chrome
评分 0
评分人数 50

作者 frausto
版本号 1.2
大小 1.52 MB
官网下载次数 453
分类 查看更多 生产效率 分类下的扩展插件
更新时间 2014-06-04 00:00:00

