Omnibox Timer Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于6年前 阅读数 58

扩展ID: iooaeaogjngpihndkcednkblomlkaaif

A simple timer built for ChromeYou can set timers from the omnibox. It is good for Keyboard lovers. Type 'tm' and space, then you can set the timer from the omnibox. When time is over, Chrome will show a desktop notification and tell you a message you entered. The default message is 'Timer done!'.

Please send me feedbacks! If you find any bugs or have new feature requests, please click 'Send Feedback' from 'DETAILS' page and enter feedback there.

# Timer commands
* `10 Lunch` : the default unit is minute. This timer will ring in 10 minutes.
* `30s` : 30 seconds
* `20m Go home` : 20 minutes
* `1h meeting` : 1 hour

# More commands
* `show` or `options` : opens Options page. This page shows timers you created, statistics and options you can select.

# UI
* Browser Action
  * You will see Omnibox Timer icon next to Omnibox.
  * Hide: If you right-click the icon, you can see an option to hide this icon.
  * Click: if you click the icon, chrome will open Options page.
  * Feedback: you will see 'add' or 'error' from the icon when you type any commands to Omnibox Timer.
* Options
  * This page shows timers you created, statistics and options you can select.
  * You can open this page from Omnibox command, Browser Action icon or Chrome Settings page.
  * You can select TTS or Bell for sound option.
  * You can select how to suggest timer texts: 'Most recently used timer first' or 'Most frequently used timer first'.

# Releases
* 0.5.0: Add an option for `no sound`. (Thanks @nocaoper
* 0.4.2: Patches to use new window.Notification API. (Thanks @sunaku
* 0.4.1: Patches to use new chrome.notifications API. (Thanks @sunaku
* 0.4.0
  * Fixed UI issues after Chrome updates
  * Now Omnibox Timer suggests the text you previously typed.
    * You can see an example here:
  * You can select how to suggest timer texts: 'Most recently used timer first' or 'Most frequently used timer first'.
* 0.3.1: Reduce permission requirements.
* 0.3: You can choose TTS or Bell from Options page. After you enter commands, you will see the feedback from Browser Action icon.
* 0.2: New options page is introduced!
* 0.1.2: Upgrade to manifest version 2 (Thanks to @sukima )
* 0.1.1: Please click anywhere in notifications to close them.
名称 Omnibox Timer
插件标识 iooaeaogjngpihndkcednkblomlkaaif
平台 Chrome
评分 0
评分人数 151

作者 taicki
版本号 0.5.0
大小 420 KB
官网下载次数 10000
分类 查看更多 生产效率 分类下的扩展插件
更新时间 2017-03-12 00:00:00
