My Bookmarks Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于6年前 阅读数 57

扩展ID: jhciabadkcaphmmegljkohlmpgdhidke

Bookmark exactly where you left reading!Ever been in a situation where you were in-middle of a blog or article and you were distracted? You wish you could pick-up exactly from where you left and not have to re-read entire article again.

Well, now you can! provides a simple, yet powerful, web-bookmarking tool that helps you keep exact pointers or bookmarks of your half unfinished articles and references. You simply drag-drop bookmark pointers on web-pages and optionally add tags to search them. Later, when you want to complete your article, you simply go to and search for your bookmark. You click on your bookmark and the web-page opens up scrolled to exact location where you had dropped the pointer previously. Now you start reading from that point - that's it!

You can also scroll up/down to the bookmarks by a click of a button. Imagine when you are reading a technical article and you have to scroll up to refer to something you previously read and then scroll down again? MyBookmarks reduces that pain and provides an easy way to navigate to multiple bookmarks that you placed on the web-page. Happy reading!

You are provided with secure, unlimited storage on cloud. Access your bookmarks anytime, anywhere. Your bookmarks are private to you, but you can choose to share them with your friends.
名称 My Bookmarks
插件标识 jhciabadkcaphmmegljkohlmpgdhidke
平台 Chrome
评分 2
评分人数 1

作者 mybookmarksio
版本号 1.2
大小 53.94 KB
官网下载次数 3
更新时间 2015-05-28 00:00:00
